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Conversion Rate: CHF 1.00 = 1 Points

From CHF 20.00

Les fleurs de CBD “Bubble Gum”, de Starbuds, sont cultivées en indoor. Une variété au goût typique.

Disponible en paquet de 15gr. & 3gr.

3gr. CHF 20.00
15gr. CHF 69.00

Bubble Gum

Les fleurs de CBD “Bubble Gum”, de Starbuds, ont une forte teneur en CBD, d’environ 22%.



Starbuds is a Geneva brand, specializing in the production and sale of premium CBD cannabis products from the best indoor and greenhouse plantations in Switzerland. Their products, designed to the highest quality standards, are approved by the Federal Office of Public Health (OFSP). They offer an assortment of exquisite flowers consisting of 5 varieties high in CBD as well asFull Spectrum oil extracted from CO2. Starbuds' reputation is well established. Their production is very popular with the general public and already available in more than 200 outlets throughout Switzerland.


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