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CHF 34.00

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Budz’s Purple Haze is a sativa-dominated variety.

It is grown in a greenhouse in an organic way, schemical fertilizers, without pesticides or artificial hormones.

The Purple Haze is a true classic, highly appreciated both for its excellent taste properties and for its higher CBD levels.

Available in 6g packs.


Purple Haze

Purple Haze is a high-quality sativa-dominant herb with a high CBD content. It is one of the favorite genetics of the CBD thanks also to its really bright colors. Its smell is sweet, tropical and attractive. We start to hope that the taste is as good as the smell and it is. The Purple Haze is the Queen of the Haze family.



CBD Budz flowers are grown indoors and outdoors depending on the variety, and this is entirely organic,without pesticides, herbicides or hormones. Of exemplaryquality, their production is widely appreciated and offers one of the best value for money on the market! Their succulent Purple Haze and Super Skunk are grown naturally under the Swisssun, in a greenhouse and, therefore, without a carbon footprint!


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