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Conversion Rate: CHF 1.00 = 1 Points

CHF 65.00

CBDeluxe’s Queen Deluxe is the genetics that won second place in the indoor flowers category at the famous Cannabis Cup 2019/2020! A true indoor variety of premium quality that will impress any flower lover with its compact buds andintense smell.

  • 85% indica 15% sativa
  • CBD content: 13% about
  • THC content: 0.6% about

Available in 2.5 gram packs.

10gr. CHF 65.00

Queen Deluxe

The buds of the Queen Deluxe are of an impressive size, their citrus fragrance is reminiscent of that of the Citral Maas.
Its sweet and earthy smell will take you into the sweet dreams of hemp.

This strain is bred in the United States, which is reflected in its high-quality buds. A must for any cannabis lover!

Coming from indoor controlled organic cultivation,guaranteed without artificial fertilizers, artificial pesticides and hormones.



CBDeluxe is a Swiss start-up that offers high-quality CBD cannabis flowers and legally compliant hemp products. Their corporate culture is characterized by open dialogue, mutual respect, clear common goals and determined leadership. Quality before quantity! For CBDeluxe quality is the most important factor for the customer. Thanks to their exclusive genetics,a perfectly coordinated plant cycle, a transparent vision of their production and a lot of love and passion,they create a high quality experience. Their plants come from indoorcontrolled organic cultivation, completely without artificial fertilizers,artificial pesticides or hormones.


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