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Hempy’s new CBD Cannatonic Indoor Leaves are the perfect tobacco substitute for your smoking preparations!
Produced from THC-poor cannabis cuttings of the“Cannatonic”variety.

  • Indoor quality
  • Taste: Fruity note
  • THC: < 1%.
  • Rich in CBD

Available in 25g packs


Cannatonic Indoor Leaves

The flowers are dried on sieves and turned, so the smaller parts fall through. The Cannatonic Indoor Leaves “trim” is collected and packaged. Ideal as a replacement for tobacco!

It is also suitable as a high quality raw material for food, non-food or cosmetic products,as it containsa particularly large number of resinous glands.

Hempy Cannatonic Indoor Leaves is a tobacco substitute made from THC-poorcannabis, which has been tested by the Federal Office of Public Health and is officially licensed for sale in Switzerland.



Hempy is a brand based in Swiss Alemanic offering cannabis flowers, oils, e-liquids and specialized in the production of very high quality CBD crystals. Their crystals are obtained from an ethanol extraction,a process that guarantees extreme purity and often exceeds a concentration of more than 99% CBD. Their use and recommended as a raw material to make your oils, e-liquids or CBD-based recipes.


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