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CHF 20.00

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Les fleurs de CBD “Soma Skunk”, de Cannabeez, sont cultivées en indoor.
Paquet de 1.8gr.


Soma Skunk

La Soma Skunk est le fruit d’un croisement entre une Super Skunk, une Big Skunk Coréenne et une Jack Herrer. Le résultat est un hybride à dominance Indica, vigoureux et fruité qui satisfera votre palais.



cannabeez logo Cannabeez company, whose head office is located in Geneva, was born from the passion of four friends for the cultivation of cannabis. They produce and market high quality CBD cannabis. Cannabeez's philosophy is to provide their customers with high quality cannabis by rigorously selecting the varieties and paying special attention to their production. They are adept at curing, which is comparable to aging the cannabis. It is an important process to obtain a high quality herb. Curing is done after the drying process. It significantly improves the quality of the buds and allows the bacteria to break down the chlorophyll in the plant material and thus refine the taste of the cannabis.
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